<aside> 📌 Destinations are the channels you display your captions on for your audience. Line 21 supports a wide range of destinations, each with their own particular configuration. You can stream to multiple destinations simultaneously, at the same time.
<aside> 💡 If you can’t find the destination you’re looking for contact us.
We excel at adding integrations in good time for your event.
🌐 Browser Link
Compatible with all modern browsers.
View Captions Click ‘Open caption link’ to view writer output - this will open a new browser page automatically for you.
For Viewers: Click ’Copy caption link’ from your project dashboard.
Send the URL to your viewer(s).
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/ba0d951e-ba55-4887-a532-67d299297885/185037_browser_window_icon.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/ba0d951e-ba55-4887-a532-67d299297885/185037_browser_window_icon.png" width="40px" /> Example URL: https://line-21.com/view?code=FC1OCQ&lang=en
Compatible with all major operating systems.
Copy and send the relevant download link to your viewer(s) to install Line 21.
Send them the unique Project Code for their session from project dashboard.
⏬ Download links for your device:
Line 21 | v8 | Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)
Line 21 | v8 | Linux (AppImage)
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/690bc31e-88d1-4e44-9fbf-b591aca1ddbf/9044785_overlay_icon.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/690bc31e-88d1-4e44-9fbf-b591aca1ddbf/9044785_overlay_icon.png" width="40px" /> Example Project Code: FC1OCQ
If you have a need for iFrame plugins, please contact us.
Line21 currently integrates with the below platforms.
Click the links for our full guides on how to set up a meeting in your platform and retrieve the information you need for seamless integration.